Course Reflection

Defining the Digital Humanities

     Like many others, I began the semester with no understanding of the Digital Humanities (DH). When I signed up for the course, I simply believed it would teach me how to be an effective writer online. I certainly was not wrong, but my assumption did not acknowledge what the phrase “Digital Humanities” actually meant. After a brief introduction to DH and a project classification activity, I settled on the definition below.

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Oxygen Reflection


     The goal of this assignment was to encode “Dracula’s Guest” using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standards in preparation for a digital edition. “Dracula’s Guest” is a short story written by Bram Stoker about a curious Englishman that wanders off during his trip to Munich. After a near-death encounter, the Englishman is saved by soldiers sent at the notice of Dracula’s telegram. I was responsible for encoding the section where the Englishman questions Johann, his fearful driver, before deciding to explore the road leading to the abandoned village. To do this, I used the TEI set of Extensible Markup Language (XML) tags and Oxygen. Oxygen is a XML editing suite that provides tools to format, manipulate, view and publish XML documents.

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About Me


    My name is Todd Mahood, but you might also know me as Alex (either name works). I am a student, software developer, researcher, and volunteer. Currently, I am a sophomore at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA. I’m majoring in computer science and minoring in data science and information science. My pronouns are he/him/his.

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